Tuesday, March 15, 2016

3 Cheers for Cheerleaders

Cheers for Cheerleaders: California has added labor code 2754 that now makes "cheerleaders" of a California based "professional sports team" an employee (and no longer an independent contractor). As an employee, cheerleaders have more rights and protections under labor code, unemployment insurance code, and FEHA. For more information, contact Campano Law Group at 661-945-5300 or via email at acampano@campanolaw.com

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for this important information.The Los Angeles employment lawyers at Nathan M. Smith & Associates understand the pain and suffering, humiliation, and financial burden employment discrimination, sexual harassment, wage and hour claim violations, and wrongful termination of employees. We fight for your rights and vigorously pursue justice on your behalf.
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